Welcome to the GBCS School Community Council's (or Parent Council's) webpage. Our role within the school is as follows:
- consultation with the school board on policies under development and/or review (ie. developing principal profile, policies regarding school field trips, busing and transportation)
- consultation with the principal in areas like school events, developing a school profile, policies that affect students such as a code of conduct or dress code
- to provide an avenue for parents to express concerns that affect the school as a whole with administration
- to provide information to parents as to happenings in the school by hosting the various student councils representatives (i.e., student council, athletic council, music council, etc.)
Our meetings are very casual, open to all parents and guardians of students at GBCS, and generally last approximately 1 hour. We are always looking for interested parents to come and join us. If you are interested in what is happening during your child's day here at GBCS, this is the best place to find out. Feel free to contact the principal, Kevin Wilson (519) 538-1680 [email protected] if you would like further information.
We have established an email list so you can stay in touch with the SCC. Please follow http://eepurl.com/_mnE1 to access the form to sign up for the list.
Georgian Bay Secondary School Constitution - Final.pdf

People for Educations's: Parent's Top 6 Secrets to Student Success |