Photography Club meets once a week at lunch time to explore camera techniques and composition, and to plan special school events. Club members also go on assignment to capture school sports and activities throughout the year.
The Club has 10 DSLR cameras for students to borrow, or students are welcome to bring their own. Photography club is open to everyone grades 9-12.

The “Born to Read- Kids for Kids Literacy Initiative” is a student driven initiative at GBCS that promotes early childhood literacy in our school and community. Our goal is to increase the number of kids reading prior to and during entry to Kindergarten and to ensure that every family has access to quality, Canadian kids' books.
We build book packages for community partners to deliver to families in the community and we partner with our JK/SK classes at GBCS and BVCS as big reading buddies.
The program is in its 15th year and to date we have provided over 2500 brand new books to kids and families in our community.

The G.B.C.S. Music Program is one of the most exciting and engaging music programs in the southern Georgian Bay area. The program has several exciting components, including:
Intermediate Orchestra: comprised of mainly Gr. 9/10 students. With over 50 students involved, this ensemble performs annually at the Kiwanis Music Competition where they have traditionally earned a ‘gold medal’ standard. This ensemble mixes contemporary hits with classical standards to provide a well-rounded musical education to all of its participants.
Jazz Ensemble: if jazz music is more your style, then the 25-piece Jazz Ensemble would be perfect for you! This ensemble has entertained audiences with its flashy display of virtuosity and its expansive repertoire. They have performed at several local venues and in several major U.S. centres.
Senior Orchestra: with over 50 years of history behind it, the G.B.C.S. Senior Orchestra has a strong tradition of musical excellence and their repertoire spans nearly every musical genre; from Classical to Romantic and from Broadway to Hollywood. Traditionally, over 70 students participate in this ensemble.
Coffee Houses: for all of the singers, guitar players and future rock stars out there, G.B.C.S. hosts regular Coffee Houses - an ‘open-mic’ night designed to provide students with a chance to perform on stage in front of an audience.
Annual Music Trip: traveling is also a huge part of the G.B.C.S. Music Program, and as such, the annual music trip is a huge hit for all participants. We have performed in New York City, Washington, Chicago, London, Edinburgh and Boston and many more cities across North America. In 2024, the G.B. Music Program will be heading to Orlando, Florida!