Full-Time Requirement
Students with fewer than 16 credits are required to take 4 credits per semester. If a parent believes it is in the best interest of their son/daughter to take fewer than 4 courses they must have the permission of the school Principal and agree to an alternative program.
Students with 16 or more credits are expected to carry a full course load of 3 or 4 credits each semester. Please be aware that students who wish to attend part-time, must have permission of the school Principal.
Students are expected to attend the courses they have chosen on their option cards. It is vitally important that they spend time carefully choosing their courses so that they maximize their post-secondary options. Colleges, universities and apprenticeships all require students to have taken certain courses to qualify for admission.
Full Disclosure - Since September 1999, the Ministry of Education has required full disclosure on student transcripts of all Grade 11 and 12 results.
Full disclosure is a Ministry of Education requirement for all Grade 11 and 12 courses. All attempted Grade 11 and 12 course codes and marks earned will be recorded on the student's Ontario transcript if it is not dropped by the full disclosure date (by mid-terms, generally a few days after). After the drop dates, all marks will be placed on the transcript whether the student fails, passes or withdraws from the course as per Ministry regulations.