Grade 8 Parent Information 2024-11-21 - Gr 08 Transition Night (External)_compressed.pdf
Our school has
grown to approximately 1200 students JK-Grade 12, with both a French Immersion and English track  We take pride in academic excellence, inclusivity, celebrating diversity and respect for ourselves and othersOur staff is diligent i
n their efforts to plan and implement programs focused on the Ontario curriculum and student needs.     Schoolwithrainbow

The office now has a phone that you can text for:
-safe arrival (elementary)
-attendance (secondary)
-bus changes
Please do not call this phone, it is for texting only.
For attendance please include the student name(s), the day they will be absent (today, tomorrow, specific date, etc.), the reason for absence and classroom teacher (elementary)
The number is: 519-372-7315

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